A Little bit about your support team.
Fisher-Jones, COO
Always one step ahead of the curve our COO started her career in the worst/best time of the market, the great crash of 2008. Always intuitive, Becca was the center of the hive of investors who capitalized on the fallout. As a followup to that wonderful coop she relocated to Columbia,SC to work on the REITS fund.
Now we have her back in the DFW to work in the company she help establish, we are very excited to have her back.
Fatima Fisher, Broker
Fatima started in real estate after reading the entire contract on her first home purchase back in 1998. The Broker who handled the transaction was so impressed with her diligence he made her his assistant. A position she enjoyed for the next 10 years, receiving hands on training from one of California's top names in Real Estate.
After relocating to Texas in 2006 she obtained her Agents licence and continued her education as assistant to one of the largest REO brokers in the DFW. Afterwards she started K2IA.
Fatima enjoys mentoring and helping others develop business strategies and grow there business. K2IA has just pasted its 10 year mark and is proud to say still retains many of the original agents.
You should come and work with us!!